Holosynergy approaches from a completely different point of view what geobiology
takes into account.
It differs from geobiology by the almost unlimited possibilities in terms of
correction of disturbances and raising of the vibratory rate that it brings.
It also offers two other approaches:
She appeals to the spirits of nature. They intervene directly and modify the
vibratory aspect of the place in cooperation with beings of light.
This novelty, the result of in-depth collaboration and respect for the spirits
of the elements, constitutes a quantum leap in the history of the mobilization
of the forces present in a place of life.
See the article in the link: Holosynergy, an
alternative to geobiology?
Harmonization aims to make a concrete and effective change in the way you live
and perceive your place of life in order to improve your well-being.
A holosynergic intervention has an action much deeper and broader than simply the
place of life.
This can unblock many external and relational problems because harmonization can
dissolve many energy knots that sometimes prevent certain projects from being