Who am I?
As a therapist with many years of experience, I am dedicated to guiding you on your life journey, assisting you in embracing all facets of your being.
With a deep passion for nature, I am particularly attuned to the beauty and gentleness that reveal themselves in every breath of life. Whether it is a painting, a photograph, a literary or cinematic work, music, a tree, an animal, an insect, a smile, a gaze, or a soul, everything profoundly moves me; I am a lover of the Living. I have a fervent appreciation for all forms of art and find joy in contemplating the sparks of life. It is important to me to gather, share, and listen, all within the unity of Love consciousness.
My subtle perceptions of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance emerged, for the most part, during my childhood, often without my conscious awareness, as it felt entirely normal to me. Commonly referred to as a medium, I serve as a bridge between the visible world and the subtle realm, acting as a channel connecting Earth and Sky. I dedicate my perceptions to the service of humanity, offering a listening ear and an energy of love, grounded in non-judgment and respect.
My journey, however, has not been the easiest. I faced illness during my adolescence, followed by depression. This heightened sensitivity to experience emotions more intensely opened the door to significant suffering, but also to moments of grace. Throughout the various chapters of my life, I have gradually opened myself to a broader understanding. Consequently, I have been able to slowly lay down my defenses by realizing that the filters I possessed—those that reflect our fears and ignorance, preventing us from seeing love in every challenge and behind every encounter—merely needed to be illuminated in order to be removed.
When and how did my subtle perceptions manifest?
From a young age, I could sense the energies of people and places. Although I could not explain it, I felt it deeply in my heart and physically. During bike rides with one of my childhood friends, I often felt compelled to visit the village cemetery where I grew up. Despite having no close relatives there, I was already communicating in my own way with the souls present.
Later, in the early years of my adolescence, I began to have dreams that turned out to be prophetic. However, the common thread among all these dreams was death. This was frightening for a teenager who did not yet understand why she had to witness death without the ability to prevent it. For instance, I dreamt of my grandfather’s death just days before he passed away. I also dreamt of the father of one of my childhood friends under similar circumstances shortly before his departure to another realm. Additionally, I dreamt of the death of a childhood friend a few weeks prior to her passing. Today, I can say that I have felt a closer connection to my maternal grandmother after her passing.
I was seven years old at the time of his passing. Death has always been a presence in my life, in one way or another. Did I fear it? Oh yes… for a long time! This fear likely caused me to doubt myself for many years before I finally embraced my true self, along with my perceptions and the calling that defines my life today. The term “vocation,” derived from the Latin word “vocare,” meaning “to call”—the call of the soul, the call of the heart—now resonates deeply with me.
Towards the end of my adolescence, I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in my lower abdomen; it was through my proximity to death that I witnessed the precious gift of life. At that critical moment, when everything seemed to collapse around me, a higher force, an energy of love, manifested and accompanied me throughout my journey. In the years that followed, filled with gratitude for having survived, I sought to honor life by supporting individuals with AIDS in their final days and volunteering for organizations that assist those with autism and cerebral disabilities. I received so much from these individuals, truly! I remain grateful to them even today.
During my early adult life, while traveling in Indonesia, I unexpectedly encountered a disembodied soul. I saw it physically, as I would see another human being, before it vanished before my astonished eyes. The initial fascination quickly transformed into overwhelming fear. At that moment, I likely turned away and closed the door to all that I was capable of perceiving on a subtle level.
It was only a few years later, after completing my training as a Reiki Master, that my clairvoyance returned, so to speak. For one cannot suppress their true nature; it inevitably resurfaces with great urgency.
During a group outing with my Reiki friends, we gathered at the base of a magnificent oak tree. My Reiki instructor encouraged us to feel the beauty and positive energy emanating from the tree. However, I found myself unable to experience the sense of fullness and serenity that the others described. Despite my efforts, I could not connect with that energy. Confused by my inability to share in the group’s experience, I stepped aside for a moment and attempted to connect with the tree. Suddenly, a deeply disturbing vision overwhelmed me; I saw individuals hanging from its branches—dozens, perhaps more. An infinite sadness washed over me, moving me to tears and constricting my chest. I chose not to share this with the group, but once I returned home, I contacted a medium I had consulted a few years prior, asking her what she felt upon seeing the photo of the tree I had sent her. I was not surprised when she expressed that she, too, was engulfed by an overwhelming sadness. Seeking further insight, I discussed the matter with my gardener at the time, who had a strong connection to nature and the subtle realms. When I inquired if he was familiar with the tree, he replied, “Yes, of course; it is quite well-known, and there is a rather sorrowful story associated with it. It is often referred to as ‘the tree of the hanged.'” I was left astounded, realizing that I had perceived this tragic reality and that those souls were still present, seeking the light.
It was therefore high time for me to accept and gradually embrace the fact that I possessed the ability to perceive the so-called invisible world, and that I could also communicate with it by receiving guidance and teachings from beings of light who would present themselves to me, some of whom would serve as my guides. This included the Archangelic realm, Christ, the Holy Virgin, Buddha, Elementals, ascended masters, and galactic or cosmic beings. Consequently, there were no longer any veils separating my realm from theirs.
Why did she continue to manifest in dreams? Nothing is ever truly left to chance…
One morning, I awoke with a vivid recollection of a dream in which I found myself walking near a church in a village. Suddenly, I became a witness to a funeral ceremony, observing a coffin being carried out of the church. Despite my reluctance to see, I turned my head and continued walking with a more assured stride, ignoring the events unfolding around me. At that moment, a little girl approached and tugged at my sleeve, saying, “Hey you, why do you refuse to see? Why do you look away? You can see us, you know! You can help us, so please, stop running away!” Just before I woke up, I received a message urging me to practice intuitive writing. It is safe to say that this dream left me astounded.
Consequently, I sought out potential workshops on intuitive writing and enrolled in one over a weekend. During the guided group meditations, I was able to write three pages at an astonishing speed, my pen gliding effortlessly from line to line. I could hardly believe it; it was my soul conveying an essential message! After sharing my soul’s guidance with the group, the woman organizing the workshop conveyed the following message to me: “Debbie, it seems clear that you are not only a medium; you are also a soul passer!” “A soul passer?” I replied. “But how? Why?…”
I quickly realized the nature of my experiences when, for months and even years, I witnessed the presence of disembodied souls, primarily at night, which would awaken me instantly. I had to come to terms with the fact that I was no longer alone in my bedroom. Over time, I learned to manage my fear until it eventually dissipated entirely. Ultimately, these souls sought me out to find the light, so that I could assist them in transitioning from their intermediate plane to a more subtle realm—one that awaited their souls for the continuation of their evolution. I have had many encounters, some of which were truly beautiful! It is a profound honor to serve as a bridge between worlds. I aspire to write a book one day to share all that I have experienced thus far and everything that is yet to come, as the separation from other planes is merely an illusion of our minds. There is no true separation; everything coexists simultaneously across different levels of consciousness. Life and love bind us, connect us, and unite us for eternity. Over time, I understood that I had the power to decide when to make myself available; I alone set the boundaries. Consequently, I made it a priority to ensure that no one would come to me at night while I slept. From that point forward, transitions would occur only during the day, as I had planned. It is important to note that our human perception of time does not exist in other realms. This new arrangement has allowed me to enjoy restful nights once again, free from excessive interference.
It is essential to recognize that a medium is not necessarily a healer, and a healer is not always a medium. In the realm of holistic therapists, many individuals work to harmonize chakras and contribute to fostering a state of well-being through various energy protocols. However, this does not imply that they possess healing energy or that they are mediums. We all belong to one or more soul families, which means that from one incarnation to another, our various lives often share a common denominator in terms of purpose. This may include roles such as healer, creator, builder, teacher, alchemist, shaman, master, communicator, or pillar, to name a few. Personally, I have come to understand over time that I am not only a healer but also a shaman and an alchemist.
How did I come to realize that I emanated healing energy and was indeed a healer?
This realization was also a lengthy journey. During my adolescence, my mother sought the assistance of a geobiologist to harmonize our home. He was greatly surprised to discover a high vibrational frequency in one of the rooms, which turned out to be mine. At that time, I attributed this frequency solely to the room itself and did not consider that it might originate from my own vibrational emanation. Later, during encounters with various therapists and mediums, their perceptions and feedback regarding me were consistently the same: “You are a healer; trust yourself; you do not necessarily need us.”
I followed my inner guidance by gradually accepting this reality and beginning to offer healing sessions, initially for my close circle, then for friends, and eventually I expanded my offerings to a larger audience. In 2016, I steadily increased my level of activity until it became a full-time practice.
As life is in constant motion, everything changes and evolves within us as well. My subtle perceptions have continued to develop, and this evolution remains ongoing, as it seemingly never ceases.
One evening, after returning from a group meditation, I experienced a vivid vision of my Reiki instructor. Her dog, which she had lost a few weeks prior, appeared to me with a message for her. I spontaneously left a voicemail explaining that her dog had come to me and had a message to convey. She responded, deeply moved, stating that it was remarkable because the habits she had with her dog were indeed those I described in my vision, and the message was a clear indication that her four-legged companion was communicating with her through me.
I have always maintained a profound connection with animals and felt the boundless love that unites us. Increasingly, animals would approach me, even in my dreams and visions, bringing their messages and healing energies. It became clear to me why the first of my guides to present themselves was a Native American chief. This connection to the earth, to animals, and to their energies and medicines also identified me as a shaman. Consequently, I was able to reconnect with my totem animal: the Bear. I feel a deep bond with nature and all living beings. On this initiatory path of mine, I have never actively sought to connect with anything out of a desire to see or feel. Instead, I have made myself available without expectations, desires, or searches. The life energy that flows within me comes to me in countless ways, and I am infinitely grateful to be a vessel of love, allowing me to emanate and share it during my healing sessions.
I am fortunate to share my life with an extraordinary individual. We complement each other perfectly, both in our approaches and in our subtle perceptions. Together, we progress and journey through life, allowing us to share our experiences as a couple with a wider audience in this process of embodiment. Michaël and I offer support and sessions in tandem, particularly focusing on the harmonization of the masculine and feminine.