Denisa P.

Speaking to Debbie was a game changer. One hour of wisdom and empathy. Debbie’s healing power and calming voice made me feel immediately connected. Among others, Debbie said: « Maybe this is not the place for you to stay. Maybe there is something amazing elsewhere. See it, feel it and open up to attract it.… Continue reading Denisa P.

Ariel S.K

“Mika is friendly, down-to-earth, and knowledgable about a wide variety of subjects related to therapy. I came out uplifted, and also learned a few things I could do by myself. Thanks for the session!”

Andrea K.

“Great to find those kind of therapies in Lausanne – Michael and Debbie has a good knowledge of those technical and able to feel and hear the body and soul and adapt to it.”

Jamal E.B.

“Belle découverte – si vous voulez laisser faire vous en sortirez avec beaucoup de bien faits pour votre santé et esprit. Michael le fait sûrement par passion et ça se ressent … ”

Lotfi H.

“Excellent moment, j’en suis sorti avec beaucoup d’apaisement et de sérénité. Michael est extraordinairement bienveillant, doué pour comprendre les gens et pour les aider à trouver la paix intérieure.”

Bruno M.

“Mika offre un moment apaisant, il a une écoute exceptionnelle qui permet de se recentrer et d’évacuer ce qui peut nous préoccuper. Soyez ouvert d’esprit pour profiter au mieux de cette séance.”

Ariel S.K

“Mika is friendly, down-to-earth, and knowledgable about a wide variety of subjects related to therapy. I came out uplifted, and also learned a few things I could do by myself. Thanks for the session!”

Andrea K.

“Great to find those kind of therapies in Lausanne – Michael has a good knowledge of those technical and able to feel and hear the body and soul and adapt to it.”